Instructions for Authors
Submissions will consist of scientific and system description papers of 4-6 pages of content plus additional pages of references. Accepted papers will be published on-line and will be presented at the workshop either orally or as a poster. The submission deadline for scientific paper is Septembert 6th, 2019. The submission deadline for system description papers is September 22nd, 2019
Paper submissions should follow the two-column format. We strongly recommend the use of LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files according to the following formats as also have been used for IWSLT 2018.
- Download template LaTex – LaTeX style files
- Download template Word – Word templates
Submission Link
Please note that:
- Submission must be electronic in PDF, using the Easychair submission software at
- Scientific papers must be anonymized, while system description papers do not need to be.
- We accept submissions already made available as technical reports (or similar, e.g. in arXiv) without citing them.
- We will not accept for publication scientific papers that overlap significantly in content or results with papers published elsewhere.
- Scientific papers already, or to be, submitted to other venues must be declared as such, and must be withdrawn from the other venues if accepted and published at IWSLT 2019.
- Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published online.